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  • Do You Tip for Instacart Deliveries — and How Much?

    Written by Jim Beltin Delivery and Errand Services

    Tipping on Instacart is a practice that helps acknowledge the effort put in by the shoppers and drivers who make the convenience of grocery delivery possible.

    In this guide, you'll learn exactly what tip amount is appropriate so you can tip your driver confidently.

    Tipping on Instacart is optional but encouraged to recognize the shopper's effort. Instacart suggests a default tip of 5% of your order total, which you can adjust based on the service quality.

    Tipping Customs

    Tipping not customary


    • Tips are a key component of the earnings for Instacart shoppers and drivers.
    • The Instacart app allows you to adjust the tip post-delivery, ensuring appropriate compensation.
    • A well-considered tip reflects the quality of the personalized shopping and delivery service you receive.

    Understanding Instacart Tipping

    When using Instacart, tipping is a way to show appreciation for your shopper's service.

    Instacart suggests a default tip of 5%, but you are free t

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